
Oh!!! the patient one..
For you give me the courage to handle the madness..
Which perpetuates the darkness of my ignorance..

Oh!!! the patient one..
Thou shall announce your allegiance in return of mine..

Oh!!! patient one..
I surrender to your love..
Behold for our adventures..
For you are the one i shall survive with..

the memoirs of guilt

guess what i know it might sound creepy..
to most amasses and the morally correct..
who said suspicions only creates fear..
well for me the joy’s incomprehensible..
i adore the rustling bubble..
pulling and pumping harder..
at the moment of revelation..
how could i not see this..?
do i really had to wait for ages..?
only to be aware of this sensation..
for this is the way of life..
i’m the mischievous…


कुछ लम्हे ऐसे जिनका बस अहसास रह जाता है ..
कुछ लम्हे ऐसे जिनकी बस आस रह जाती है ..
जितना भी प्रायस्थ हो जाओ कुछ लम्हे आज़ाद हो जाते है ..
रिश्तों की कोई ज़ंजीर नहीं रोक सकती उनको ..
पर ना समझो गुमनाम हैं वो ..
जहां थे वही आबाद हैं वो ..
तुम कौन हो?
जो वो रुक जाते ..
झुक जाते ..
नहीं किसी मौसम के मोहताज हैं वो।



ever wondered if the world is ready,
for your dark and wild fantasies..
will they be able to control their calm..
well i have my reasons to doubt..
flaky visions.. mumbling sounds..
well now there you see..
how the opinions are made..

big world

in small we will find the big..
small joys.. big laughs..
small talks.. big hopes..
and in small we found the big..
in the infinitesimal birth of the infinite universe..
i lived all the small and bigs


well i never expected a lot from the universe..
just a moment of alignment that makes some sense..


how could you agree to the idea of no us..
to me it never existed..


love can burn forests..
it’s really that gentle..


the world will question your expressions..
like you owe it to someone..
like you requested for their pity..
then i just ignore those reactions..
assuming it gives us human pleasure..


there’s really no point in those rants..
deafness is eternal to some minds..


it takes courage to move some stones..
those blank words can only help emptiness..


i am in such a state of uneasiness..
where i can only relax as i move..


and then we are faced with a moment of truth..
where our only choice is acceptance..


i dreamed of a journey beyond our imaginations..
i don’t feel possessed by gods or demons..
those were our creations..
figments of the evolving feelings..
strong enough to surpass our existence..


it’s in our power to be humble enough to look beyond the past..
to stop the temptations..
transit to future..


i am not strong enough..
i feel i need some help..
it’s your voice that liberated me..


i had a weird thing flowing in my body..
it wasn’t the blood in my veins..
it was the desire to kiss and hold you..
the desire to dissolve into you…


they say it has the power to heal..
it defies the laws of universe..
i question how’s that my soul can’t remember..
it’s not me i guess..
i am replaced by one from the parallel..


now i see it..
even those fading memories..
can cause such heavy jitters..


a difference in opinion or a different opinion..
to not know the truth or ignore the truth..
a sense of being enlightened or simply aware..
tell me these are no mind games..
as i prepare to set myself free..
there is a sense of joy but also a sense of detachment..
tricking time with burdened crimes..
the horizon looks all fine..
but the mind still wanders is there a light on the opposite side..

my city..

Welcome to my city.. 
Fasten your seat belts all tight and right.. 
Well the chances for the high tides are uptight.. 
Don't be afraid with the millions swarming.. 
The piles are high and rivers drowning.. 

Questioning my identity with every greet.. 
When did we resort to such a greed..? 
Thieves they say when all is night.. 
Wondering where is that tiny light.. 

Sing a song before the siren creeps.. 
Learning to dance in the crowded streets.. 
How many lives.. will they ever believe? 
Growing fear.. when were we free..?


रिश्ते सिर्फ़ इंसानो से ही नहीं..
रास्तो और शहरो से भी होते है..
राहो पे ठोकर देने वाले उन पत्थरो से भी होते है..
हस्सी और गम के उन लम्हो..
और उन लम्हो को पनाह देनी वाली उन दीवारो से भी होते है..
पड़ोस के किराने वाले राहुल से..
हर रोज़ रोटी बनाने वाली आंटी से भी होते है..
और छोटी छोटी खुशियो में शामिल करने वाले उन अंज़नो से भी होते है..
रिश्तो का कोई नाम नहीं होता.. 
रिश्ते बेनाम और बेआकर होते है.. 
परिभाषाओ के मायाजाल से परे.. 
ज़िन्दगी का सार होते है रिश्ते..


a reason …

This is an old post reposting from my earlier blog.

This is a weird feeling, but I’ve been living with it for quite sometime now. Recently read an article in the times of india and realized I am indeed not an alien, not many but most of the indians today are facing this problem. So what’s it, sounds quite strange but we have somehow forgotten to enjoy, to feel oneself as a part of the society, we need a reason to be happy. And we won’t celebrate because first, I need to accomplish that, finish this and a hell lot of worries. Our feelings now have more intricate relation with our work and desires. In here, people are willing to do overtime just to have some free time, employees want holidays, they need a break. But wait! No one’s forcing you and you really don’t have to do the extra work, it’s your life have fun. Don’t know if its our present lifestyle or we’ve lost something important as we matured. Now, will you have a good sleep depends on whether someone wishes you a good night …
When we were kids, there was never a second thought that the homework needs to be finished first, there was never a no when a friend asked for playing cricket. Time was never wasted having hours long gossips. Some would say grow up life’s not the same as it used to be, you are no longer a kindergarten boy or a careless teenager, you’ll have to make something for yourself, be responsible. And that’s when I really get boiled up …
Shut up!!! I know what I’ve to do and I’ll do it when I want to, just stop reminding me.
That’s said, the question is do I actually have some plans for my future, do I know how i’m going to get the work finished by deadline. The point is most of us just can’t get out of this situation, even if someone claims, still they have overburdened themselves with endless goals and desires. Most of us are will follow up what others are doing, follow up with the working protocol and you’ll get somewhere . While many, including me finds this simply awkward how can you be doing something you can’t get your heart into.
For a computer science student, there, are, always some nasty neurons signaling …
Hey! u’ve got to learn html5, and network programming and what about tweaking kernel and ircs and subversioning and get some good project and blah and blah!!! …
Well this never ends and I still haven’t found a way to get out of it …
These are lines from Steve Jobs during an annual commencement speech at Stanford(2005) …
” Your time is limited. So don’t waste it living someone else life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other peoples thinking. Don’t let the noise of others opinion drown out your own inner voice and most important have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become, everything else is secondary. “
It may seem that I am going of the hook now, but if we want to(not have to) end this endless quest of not doing something coz we already have a lot to do, we will have to create a bridge and the time is now…


Endless just endless..
What this constant craving always gave me..

The balance in a circle..
Or the sphere of my life..

Infinite my dreams..
Those constants of reality..

For reasons no apt..
We still wish to adapt.. 

Fools they assume..
Freedom from whom?
What's even left to defend..

Crippled by self existence..
Endless scrolling into nothingness..

in the dark…

I tried to cross the million miles..
For the promised billion smiles..

Its dark its cold the emptiness of the space..
Be bold and be brave why should someone crave..

There are no boundaries.. No religion no wisdom..
And no one is really free..
But there’s chaos.. There are spaces..
A fool is your tree..

Why don’t they just settle.. the voices in my head..
When did I choose this mental fray..